Friday, January 15, 2010

What's the limit of questions we can ask per day?

lol... you can ask as many as you like. But I'll only answer as many as I have time to answer. However, my intent is to get to every question I can as soon as practical.

Just please be patient because I do have clients that are actually paying for one on one face time and/or phone coaching. So please forgive me, in advance, if I get a little back logged at times.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

How can you brush off your own feelings of jealousy?

That's a loaded question because jealousy itself is usually just a symptom of something else. People feel jealousy for a number of reasons. But let make sure we are talking about "jealousy" and NOT "envy".

Jealousy is an emotion that deals exclusively with internal fear and insecurity in a relationship of some kind. But envy is not relationship specific and can be associated with myriad external factors. Jealousy is about trying to "keep" something and envy is about trying to "get" something.

Jealousy is not always unfounded. And neither is it always a negative emotion. In some instances it's not even jealousy at all... it's intuition.

Every romantic monogamous relationship has a healthy level of protective jealousy/intuition infused. It is human nature and Biologist, Psychologists, and Sociologists have recognized studied the emotional, physical, and chemical effects of this natural human reaction in children as young as 5 months old.

However, jealousy can quickly become unhealthy when the person experiencing that emotion feels trapped, helpless, or lacks the skills to communicate / resolve their feelings rationally. Uncontrollable jealousy leads to outward physical manifestations of depression, aggressive disposition, even rage and very possibly violence.

If at any point I felt any form of jealousy forcing me to do things out of character I would immediately talk to someone in a professional capacity.

But short of such drastic measures most people simply need to learn to recognize what they are feeling. Identify the source of those feelings. And then learn to articulate why the situation makes them feel that way.

In every healthy relationship resolution of such feelings requires that both parties be aware of the source and take measures to increase trust and decrease uncertainty.

In cases where both parties are unwilling to make any concessions at all for the other the unresolved emotions can become a cancer that ultimately destroys the relationship.

I advise all couples to take Communications Counseling/Coaching as early in the relationship as possible. Let me know if this helps.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

Even if you click on from facebook? Your profile won't be tracked?

too funny... :) even if you click on from facebook... on your birthday, with your mama on the phone, and your driver's license taped to your forehead; you're still anonymous... but just remember God is watching and he might tell me. LOL. So go ahead, ask me anything.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

Are you sure this is anonymous?

Positive. The site has no way of knowing who you are because you didn't sign in. Further, if you do set up an account you don't have to sign in to post any questions. But if you are signed in, you still have the option of posting anonymously.

The whole point of the site it to get anonymous questions/feedback.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

What is your problem with prayer?

I don't have a problem with prayer at all. But I do have a problem with people who think that's all they are supposed to do. When we pray we should be asking God to show US what and how to do what needs to be done. We should be asking him for the provisions to support our moves, actions, and activities of faith... not just praying for Him to go fix it.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...