Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bo do you believe we can be Happy ? And that happiness can be contagious ?

Can we be happy? Absolutely. Happy is a choice not a condition. No matter what our circumstances we can choose to be happy. Ultimately it's a matter of perspective. When we are insecure, immature, or lose perspective we give our right to choose happiness over to the things, situations, and people around us. We look for things and people to make us happy and that's a dead end road. That's not happy, that's just distracted.

True, things and people can make us feel good but true happiness comes from within. True happiness is rooted in what we know, feel, and believe in our hearts. And what's in our hearts is closely tied to our faith. A faith in a higher power makes dealing with life's ups and downs much, much easier. Faith create stability and confidence in every situation and in any circumstance. With the power of faith we take back control over our own happiness and we choose to be happy even when other people can't understand why.

As for happiness being contagious? I don't know if true happiness is contagious, because again it's a function of faith and it's a choice. However, I do know that smiles are contagious, laughing is contagious, positive thinking is contagious, generosity is contagious, courtesy is contagious, and love is contagious. All of these things can make other's happier... But if you really want someone to experience true happiness no matter their circumstance it's not your happiness you need to share, it's your faith. It's like teaching them to fish. If you smile they will smile back for a minute or two never really knowing why. But if you explain to them why you're smiling then they can be empowered to choose the same happiness you have for the rest of their life.

I hope I answered your question fam. Thanks for stopping by.

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Steven “Bo” Beaudoin Jr.
Husband, Father, Friend, Mentor, Author, Speaker, Trainer, Professional Life/Relationship Coach, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist. A champion of Christ centered clarity, motivation, and focus.

2M Communications ©2012 Copyright, Steven Beaudoin Jr. All Rights Reserved.

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