Friday, June 4, 2010

I don't think God likes your new approach to ministry. If you are supposed to help people what does money have to do with that? Why are you talking about ROI and ministry together?

wow... first, it sounds to me like what you're really trying to say is that you appreciate my ministry and don't want me to stop. :-))) At least that's what I'm going to assume you're trying to say. So thank you for your concern and heavily veiled vote of confidence. lol. ;-)

As for your first question, unfortunately, money has waaaaaaay too much to do with ministry. The Apostle Paul found this out the hard way. The need for money in the early church was a recurring theme with Paul frequently defending the need to finance the ministry. I hate that it's true, but time IS money. And it costs a great deal of time to read, respond, and minister to the people who need.

And, if you're any good at it, the people just keep coming and the lines get longer and longer and longer and it takes more and more and more time to help people. At what point can someone no longer afford to do that for free? If you sat outside the front of your house 20 hours a day talking to people about Jesus could you hold down a job? Pay your rent/mortgage? Could you even afford to eat? Unfortunately, people called to minister still have a life and bills just like the people who need their help...

So, when it comes down to choosing how best to invest my time? There are quite a few commendable activities, endeavors, and opportunities that will always come second to providing for my family.

I don't have a formal ministry. I don't have a 501c3 or anything of the sort. I just do what I can for people. The more I do it the more people seem to want/need me to do it. So when I say ROI (Return on Investment) I'm specifically talking about the amount of time involved.

Further, please understand that the place I find myself in is temporary. I'll be back. In fact, I'm already being blessed and it is that fact that gave me the time and peace of mind to sit down and try to answer your question as best I can.

thanks for caring,

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