Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How do you define a "real man"?

well... let's see. I'm sure everyone has their own definition, but to me? A real man is accountable, responsible, and present. But further, his presence ensures peace, safety, love, vision, and provision for his family and all committed to his charge. A real man is evidenced not in what he has or who he is, but most accurately in how those around him are affected by him.

There's no way to identify a "real man" by looking at him. To identify a "real man" you have to consider the sum total of his impact on his family, his home, his relationships, and his legacy. Like Private Investigators we have to look at the facts, the clues... The fingerprint of a real man is undeniable. Everything he touches and everyone he touches is better because he did.

That’s my 2 cents.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc... http://formspring.me/BoSpeaks

Monday, January 10, 2011

What advice would you give men (and women) who feel as if they married the wrong spouse, and is only continuing to stay married for "the kids"? Lack of better of words they have grown apart and in different directions and neither willing to change.

Anything that’s alive grows and changes and anything that doesn’t is dead. Change is to be expected; even if not fully embraced. The ability to deal with, adjust to, and even master change is a function of both emotional intelligence and personal faith. Change doesn’t mean that you’ve been wrong all this time, it just means that you’ve decided to be different now… a successful marriage costs a lot in humility, compromise, growth, and commitment; but it's a fair system and you get what you pay for.

Bottom line: to improve, you have to change. There’s no way around it… So, honestly, I don’t have any advice at all for people who are “unwilling” to change. I’d rather talk to/pray for the kids.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

Hey there Bo, I have a question for you and I am interested in here your response, I have this on going debate often... Do you believe Christians are the only one's that will make it into heaven?

Honestly I don’t know…

Fundamentally, this question assumes a great number of things… The very origin of this debate and the nature of the questions about heaven assume that, at the very bare minimum,: God is real. And Heaven is real. In essence, if the debate is actually about “WHO” gets into Heaven, then we can presume the debates about “IF” there is indeed a God and, by association, also a “Heaven” have been settled.

My personal perspective on the debate is this, if we agree that heaven is real then we also must agree, on some level, that there is also a supreme being/reality/presence/power etc that created it; for the sake of discussion I’ll call that entity/reality “God”. At this point in the discussion/debate I’ll briefly shift my focus away from Heaven and towards God. (We’ll come back to the specter of Heaven in a sec)

So… If there’s a God great, all powerful, all knowing, and unimaginably magnificent enough to be the God of Heaven, I have to ask myself is this same God/entity/power great, powerful, and magnificent enough to also be the God of many cultures? Every culture? Could the God of the Christian faith also be the Allah of the Muslim faith? To be clear the question is not “IF” they are one in the same, the question is COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE one in the same? Not if, but just is it possible?
This kind of thinking and conversation is where I start to lose most people because I happen to believe that the God I choose to serve is BIG enough, all powerful enough, and just “God” enough to be all things to all people all at the same time.

For example, if three people stand in the same room and look at the same diamond at the same time, it is quite likely that at any given moment they can all see a different color. To one the diamond may appear yellow, to another the diamond may appear to be blue, and to a third it may appear to be red. They can all completely disagree about the color of the diamond AND all be 100% correct. The diamond is multifaceted and has that ability… If a diamond can do it, I am of the mind and belief that the God I serve is much more brilliant and multifaceted than a simple diamond.

If there is a God and that God does indeed have a plan for the entire universe and that plan includes Heaven… I feel it’s safe for me to assume that I don’t have the slightest clue what that same God might be planning, doing, or capable of doing. I for one have not and will not put God in a box, so I cannot and dare not definitively say whether or not Christians are the only ones that will make it into heaven; because I don’t know.

But I will say this, based on my faith and my own beliefs, true born again Christians are the only ones I can GUARANTEE will get into heaven, so I personally dare not chance it. And as for others, of other faiths and beliefs? If they make it into Heaven, and I pray that they will, I’ll be overjoyed to see them there and they can tell me all about their journey and who God was/is to them.

To read my book or hear my motivational CDs visit: http://www.BoSpeaks.com/
Steven "Bo" Beaudoin Jr. Author, Speaker, Motivator, and "Secret Weapon". a champion of Christ centered clarity, motivation, and focus. http://www.facebook.com/Bo.Beaudoin

2M Communications © 2011 Copyright, Steven Beaudoin Jr. All Rights Reserved. LEGAL: This original work is copyright protected and may only be reposted or redistributed in its entirety including title, author, content, and copyright information. Any other use or reproduction in full or in part must be pre-approved and authorized in writing by the copyright holder, Steven Beaudoin Jr.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...