Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How do you define a "real man"?

well... let's see. I'm sure everyone has their own definition, but to me? A real man is accountable, responsible, and present. But further, his presence ensures peace, safety, love, vision, and provision for his family and all committed to his charge. A real man is evidenced not in what he has or who he is, but most accurately in how those around him are affected by him.

There's no way to identify a "real man" by looking at him. To identify a "real man" you have to consider the sum total of his impact on his family, his home, his relationships, and his legacy. Like Private Investigators we have to look at the facts, the clues... The fingerprint of a real man is undeniable. Everything he touches and everyone he touches is better because he did.

That’s my 2 cents.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

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