Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I am interested in someone. He is single and unattached, brilliant and easy to talk to. I want more, to really have a chance to get to know him, to be open to possibilities. How do I express interest without pouncing or seeming aggressive?

Caron! Good to hear from you sis. Thanks for trusting me with your question.

The first that comes to mind is that if you don't want to be viewed as "pouncing or seeming aggressive” then don’t be.  You said in your question that he’s “easy to talk to” which implies that you have spoken to him on more than one occasion. I would say explore way to expand the conversation around whatever venue, forum, or activity that has already caused you two to cross paths. Whatever you have in common already is the best way to take it up a notch without seeming too aggressive.

Ask questions, ask for assistance, ask for advice, suggest coffee or lunch to discuss something he may be able to assist with, collaborate on, or give advice about… it’s OK for a woman to make such suggestions when there is a legitimate association already established, even if only in passing. Where some women get in trouble is “dictating” and “demanding” things go a certain way at a particular time. Most men think casual “suggestions” show confidence and availability…

Just be sure of two things. #1, you really do have something to talk about. Information, advice, collaboration, etc… You need something to carry the first couple of conversations. #2, you have no expectations of his availability or desire to pursue the association beyond the questions/advice for which you’ve asked. Any unfounded “expectations” are a definite turn off that puts too much pressure on the man to reciprocate your intentions. Too early for that.

If there’s a real connection it will become evident in your conversations. Let things take their course naturally. If there’s something there you will both get a sense of that and more reasons to meet/talk/discuss/and get to know each other will ensue.

Hope that helps sis.

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