Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thank you so much for suggesting that I check out your page I love it. I recently in this last year joined church and since my life has changed in so so many ways and I am grateful. How do I know when I have found my purpose in life?

Hey sis, congratulations on finding a new church and getting connected. Church isn’t for everyone but for those of us that are in critical stages of our life a good Bible teaching church with sound submitted leadership is a God send; so congratulations again.

As for your question about knowing when you’ve “found your purpose in life”? That’s a BIG one. I don’t believe there are any easy answers to that one. Not because our purpose is hard to find, but because the concept of a life’s purpose is actually really difficult to understand. And as such just about everyone you ask will have a different perspective and tell you something different. It is easy to get confused and/or discouraged trying to get anyone to give you a straight answer. Even now it may feel as if I’m somehow avoiding the question, but I assure you I am not. It’s just a very difficult question to answer.

For example, to most people the idea of a life’s purpose is presented as some kind of spiritual graduation ceremony or the finish to some super natural race. As if you must have achieved some level or spiritual superiority to actually find your purpose. Many people represent the concept of life’s purpose as some kind of finish line or coronation. I personally think that couldn’t be any further from the truth. But I can most certainly see how easily the destination might be confused with the process.

I don’t view our purpose as a destination, but as a journey; a process. And even further I certainly don’t see a life’s purpose in “WHAT or WHERE we do” as much as I see it in “WHY and HOW we do”. Ultimately, I believe our purpose IS TO MASTER THE JOURNEY of accepting, submitting, embracing, and being liberated by and in the freedom to serve God seamlessly in EVERYTHING we do. I believe searching for WHAT or WHERE our purpose is, is a natural but very self centered approach. Part of our journey is being liberated from defining ourselves by WHAT or WHERE we are and redefining ourselves according to God’s OMNIPOTENCE and OMIPRESENCE. It’s not about us… really it’s not.

Ultimately, it’s not about our purpose. It’s about being willing, able, and eager to serve the purposes of God where ever we might be and in whatever way that presents itself on our journey. Sis, I believe that once we have assumed the appropriate posture of genuine joy and submission in the serving the Lord God can use us to do anything, anywhere, and at any time… and in that way it is not about OUR purpose, BUT His.

One year that purpose might be to feed the homeless, the next year it might be to minister to orphans, the year after that it might be to evangelize a work place, or it may just be to be the best parent and spouse we can be in the family that God has given us. In this way our journey is simplified… We are to simply do WHATEVER we do as if we are doing it unto the Lord. No mystery… But we like to think more highly of ourselves than we ought, so many of us refuse to believe it could possibly be that simple.

I believe our real journey is internal and therefore I believe our real rewards and our real purpose are also manifested internally. Once we have died to the notion that we have some great purpose other than simply serving God in any way we can, it is only then that we are truly fit to serve any great purpose at all. It is then that I believe God will use us to do His will; to fulfill His purpose... not ours. It is in this personal death and resurrection that our true HIGHER purpose is ultimately served… Again not specifically in WHAT or WHERE we do anything… but in WHY and HOW we do everything.

Sis, please remember, this is just my own personal perspective. But you asked, so :)... I hope this helps.


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