Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why is it that it seems that a life following God seems to be so unstructured or well planned (in reference to the post you made to the ladies yesterday)? Is there something I'm missing or am I deviating from God when I create plans that fall through?

I hear a couple of different questions in your post… I’ll try to address each issue, but there’s something about the post itself that I’d like to point out first. My original status read, “Ladies: If you want a man that loves #GOD you need to know a #LIFE of #FAITH makes for a life that isn’t always structured or well planned.”

Please note the use of the phrase “isn’t always”… That means that sometimes, maybe even most times a life following God is “structured or well planned.” But there’s no guarantee. That’s the true focus of this post. Sometimes God requires our security of us in order to follow Him. Sometimes God gives us incomplete directions just to test/exercise our faith. Everything does not ALWAYS make sense and it is very likely if you’ve followed God for a long time you’ve been confronted with decisions and matters of faith that make no sense at all to anyone else paying attention. Sometimes we are asked to put our stability, security, and control on the altar…

As for your specific question, “Am I deviating from God when I create plans that fall through?” there’s no way for me or anyone else to know why any your plans fell through. Being disobedient to God’s will, commands, or instructions are definitely a common reason; but certainly not the only reason. Sometimes we just aren’t very good at planning or executing the plan. Sometime we really need the help of others and are just too afraid, stubborn, self-centered, prideful, bashful, arrogant, or ignorant to actually ask for the help we need. It could be the wrong timing, lack of resources, or limited opportunities that undermine our plans… but that’s a whole different subject altogether.

The purpose of my status was to speak to women who pray every day that God send them a man or make their husband/significant other man after God’s own heart. That’s a two edged sword that many women are not mentally, emotionally, or spiritually prepared to handle. Following a true man of God automatically comes with some degree of uncertainty. When a man truly follows God he has to be ready to lay down his own plans and be obedient to what he feels the Lord is leading, asking, and/or requiring him to do… But his commitment to his faith also requires that he take care of his family first… This makes being obedient even tougher… These decisions are not easy when a man is single, so it’s many times more difficult when married.

So if there are times when a man of God has to lay down his plans and give up his security and stability to be obedient… Then there are times when the woman who’s married to him will have to give up her security and stability as well. A life of following God neither promises nor guarantees financial security or stability… only liberty, love, spiritual security, and victory. Hope that helps answer your question sis.

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