Monday, April 9, 2012

Why is it that when a nice looking woman has a smile on her face, a positive attitude and a friendly disposition.....guys automatically try to hit on her whether they are involved with someone else or not, young and old?

sis you can stop your description above at "a nice looking woman"... the smile, positive attitude, and friendly disposition are helpful but not necessary. Since the beginning of time men have taken notice of attractive women. But men respected women because they respected themselves... Not so much anymore. The "average" woman no longer feels strongly about boundaries and faith based convictions. And the "average" woman is actually open to anyone showing her some attention. Because of this the "average" man is actually encouraged to "try his luck" so to speak.

If the average woman didn't respond favorably to that foolishness then the average man wouldn't feel so empowered to step across those boundaries. You just stay firm in your own boundaries and once men know what your boundaries are and that they are strong, I promise you they will respect them... even though they might try to test your defenses first. :)

Ask me anything... Relationships, Faith, Marriage, Life, etc...

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