Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I have concerns with my mind screaming at me non stop. What's the best way to quiet my mind? Pray and have faith that God will still my thoughts? I know it's imperative to be still in order to hear God? I'm also attempting to be a micro-manager of my life

So… that opening statement is cause for some concern. But not just because you say your mind is “screaming at you non stop” but because you speak of your own mind as if you have no control over it. The way that sentence reads could lead one to believe that you view your own mind as an adversary or other entity that is separate from you as an individual. That is definitely a concern that may need professional guidance to master.

Here's a confession... I’m not really a doctor, although I sometimes sound like one on Facebook. ;-)) So, if you really feel like your mind is not your own to control and master you might want to speak with a counselor qualified to help you address the source of that of detachment. On the other hand, if your question really is just how to “quiet [your] mind” and/or “still your thoughts” I may be able to help in that regard.

One thing most people don’t know is that their reality and their mentality mirror each other. You can learn a lot about what’s going on in someone’s mind by studying their surroundings. And this organic manifestation of reality is a two way street. Chaos in the mind equals chaos in life and the same is usually true in both directions meaning Chaos in life leads to Chaos of the mind. But I did say “usually”. And I said usually because ultimately your state of mind and therefore your life is the result of a series of choices. So to alter your life and your state of mind you need to make choices to facilitate that change.

If you want to calm your mind start by making decisions to calm your life and surroundings. Cut out all of the distractions and unnecessary things that stress you out. Choose to disengage from unnecessary actions and activities that feed the chaos on the outside. Cut some people loose if you must, even if it is only for a season. You simply must take control of your surroundings if you ever hope to take control of your thought life. And by minimizing the “noise” in your life you can begin to also minimize the “noise” in your mind.

If you find it difficult to control your thoughts then don’t waste time trying to shut them off, instead refocus them on how to bring peace and rest to your life. Focus on how to make your life less cluttered and more centered… If you can begin to achieve this new reality it will start to spill over into your mentality as well.

Don’t retreat into your mind. Instead go on the offensive and reclaim the peace and order in your life. As you begin to master your environment and minimize the external chaos, it will pay huge dividends in what and how you think about yourself and your life. Hope that helps fam and don’t be ashamed to seek the help of a professional counselor if feelings of emotional detachment persist.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

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