Monday, July 18, 2011

As a man how do we block out temptation? I'm a young man and I want to do right by my girl but temptation is everywhere I look. How do you deal with it? What are some suggestions for blocking it out?

Well, you know there isn't some quick answer I can throw on you. I'm going to have to take some time to consider this... But I will say what I know for sure. There is NO "blocking it out", that's not a good strategy. There will ALWAYS be temptation. Jesus was tempted and it is widely believed in theological circles that the Apostle Paul too was tempted regularly.

“Temptation” is not the enemy. Weak convictions and spiritual ignorance are the real enemy. We all are tempted. And as long as you’re alive you will be tempted on some level. It’s a fact of life. Blocking it out is like burying your head in the sand, just not very effective. The truth is that temptation is never going to get weaker or go away, we simply have to face it and get stronger. This is your opportunity to grow up. But you can’t do it alone…

For most men I know this is a lifelong struggle... a battle. And believe it or not our strongest defense and ally in this fight is a Sexy, Supportive, God fearing, Bible believing wife. I firmly believe that a man simply cannot stand up to temptation alone. He needs a wife that can stand with him, keep him strong, keep him focused, and help him keep his eyes, hands, feet, and the rest of his body parts at home where they belong. It’s not entirely his wife’s responsibility, but make no mistake about it fidelity is a team sport. You both will play critical roles in keeping your minds and bodies where they are supposed to be. I feel extremely sorry for any man that does not have this as a firm foundation. But even so, that's just the physical side of the battle...

There's also the mental and spiritual side of the battle. A man must first in his heart decide who he is and who he wants to be. For real. Don’t lie to yourself. Who are you? There's no room for faking the funk. If a man wants to run the street there's nothing in the world that’s going to stop him. For a man like that, he's not fighting temptation he's looking for opportunities. I know... I used to be that dude.

When you make up your mind about who you are and what you will and will not do then you must get ready for battle... battle on every front - mental, physical, spiritual, all of it. A wife who understands your struggle and is prepared and determined to fight with you (not against you) is your best foundation, but a real understanding of scripture and a growing faith in God is going to prove to be your best weapon.

To win this war you'll need to always be preparing for battle. This war is waged on daily basis. And until you are mature enough in your determination to do the will of God for you and your family there are just some things you can't listen to. Some places you can't go. Some things you can't do. And Some things you can't watch because they are like letting the enemy into your camp while you are still weak. And once you gain a better understanding there's a lot of that stuff you will cut out forever. Why play with fire? Unless you really want to or are willing to get burned.

Sir, this is only the start of this discussion... I could go on for pages and pages, books even. (hint, hint, lol) But this is the fundamental DNA of my longer winded response to your question. I hope it helps sir.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

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