Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm 49 and the guy I'm dating is 36. He's a fantastic man but I still have some issues with the age difference. I keep thinking about if we stay together, I'll be 60 before he's even 50. Any advice?

If he's really a "fantastic man" then he obviously doesn't have an issue with your age... So don't turn it into one. Remember sis, we get what we focus on... If you dwell on it, it WILL become your reality. So think about this, does he make you feel insecure about your age? Or is this just something you're dealing with in your own head? If he's making you feel insecure directly or indirectly you need to speak up. A good man will correct his ways if he cares about you. But if this is all in your head and you are insecure all on your own then there's nothing he can do to "fix" that for you... And believe me, a “good man” will pick up on this dysfunction and insecurity as DISTRUST… and that can't lead to anything good. Besides if you aren’t getting married chances are great that he’ll be gone long before you have to worry about 60 y/o. But if you two are planning to get married and build a life together then when you're 109 he'll be 96... Oh the horror! Lol, Big deal...

Sis you have to keep perspective on this issue because tomorrow is not promised anyway. And the Bible tells us that we were not given a spirit of FEAR but of POWER, LOVE, and SELF-CONTROL. So walk in that. You have the power to give and receive love no matter the age difference. You also have the power to overcome your insecurity with some of that self control. Put all negative thoughts out of your vision for your future. Make up your mind to be the ‘baddest’ 60 y/o woman that ever lived! Confidence is ALWAYS sexy no matter what age.

And here's a little secret... My wife will be 50 next year, she's actually 7 years older than I am, and she's still the perfect woman for me. Why? Because she knows she is and acts accordingly. Focus on your worth and self esteem sis, NOT your age.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

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