Friday, November 19, 2010

Is there such a thing as Safe People in the dating circle? I should read: Are there Safe people that single Christians should look for when beginning dating a new person? We all want to change things in our life that did not get the results that we want.

Hey sis, I think I understand your question now... But unfortunately, I don't know if I can answer it completely. I believe you are asking what "things" should a Christian keep in mind or signs they should look for when dating? I assume the source of this question is a desire to protect yourself from crazies and not get hooked up with the wrong kind of person.

If I am on track then I'm going to recommend a couple things. First, don't focus on the other person focus on yourself. You need to spend some time really uraveling your own intentions and desired. You need to know WHY you are looking for someone. And you need to know WHAT you are looking for in someone else. Then when you start dating you can minimize confusion and not waste your time.

As for staying away from crazies... the #1 tip I can give is keep your clothes on. This alone will eliminate 90% of the crazies while dating. The second thing I would recommend is to add fasting and prayer to your dating preparation. Prayer and fasting will prepare you mentally to withstand all the temptations that come with dating. And further, by fasting you actually clear your mind to hear from God about a particular person you might be dating. The Lord will reveal the crazies to you. Fasting tunes your "crazy person" radar and puts it on HIGH. ;-)

One other thing you might want to do is read my Top 10 FAKE BOAZ Clues (

hope that helps sis.

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