Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I sing in church choir, practice 2 nights/wk, & sing 3X on the weekends. It takes up a lot time. I love to sing its my ministry. But my oldest child running wild since I never home. I think the devil want me to quit the choir. What to do? Sing/Quit?

I REALLY wish I could sing, but I can't. And by "can't", I mean I can't even hum in tune. Singing is an incredible gift. I'm amazed when people can sing REALLY sing good. There's something that happens when somone who can really sing gets caught up in the Lord and just let's go... Wow is all I can say about that. Just wow.

It must be an wonderful feeling to be such a central part of praise and worship. It must make you feel good about yourself and make you feel like you are really doing the work of the Lord. I can easily see how singing in the choir could be more importanti than raising y... [[WAIT, STOP!!]] This is where I get off the bus.

Honestly, there's really no question here about what you should do. No matter how good singing in the choir might make you feel at this point it is a distraction. You need to drop that mic right where you stand and GO HOME!

As a Clarity Coach I find people all the time that are torn, confused, and in pain because their priorities are out of order. Just because something "feels" good doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

I often tell the people I mentor that there are three kinds of activities in your life:
#1 Things that ANYONE can do.
#2 Things that SOME people can do.
#3 Things that ONLY YOU can do.
Then I ask them, "For which one do you think God is going to hold you accountable?"

Fam, if you drop that microphone someone will fight off 15 other GREAT singers to get to it first and catch it before it even hits the ground... But if you ask the entire church congregation if any one of them will go home and raise your child so you can stay and sing? ....................................................................*crickets* ...................... is the only sound you'll hear.

Go home fam. Your family is your first ministry and should also be your first priority. No question.
Hope that helps.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

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