Tuesday, February 8, 2011

If U attract who U R, than what of those people who attract the weak? People who have great spiritual, intellectual, financial, & emotional wealth R often the prey of parasites. U don't have to B a liar, cheater, or ignorant 2 attract that N others.

Excellent question:

The old adage about "opposites attract" is just as true now as ever. But so is the old adage that states “Birds of a feather flock together.” They are both true and applicable here. In my post the term "attract" is actually the more important variable in the equation. We can proactively “attract” by pulling, calling, coercing, and/or inviting. But we can also passively “attract” by showing, exposing, presenting, allowing, and ignoring.

In the context of my status a person's spiritual, intellectual, financial, and emotional wealth are completely irrelevant. Because a person can have any of those things and still secretly think of themselves as weak, unworthy, and/or out of place. In that way, ‘who you are’ is defined by how you think and how you view yourself… and not defined by ‘what you have’. Contrary to popular belief weak people are actually drawn to power, but will only stay if a suitable weakness is located to exploit.

You said it yourself.... Think of parasites… They are drawn to life and vitality, however if they can’t find a way in they move on. The weak need a weakness to thrive. And for most of the people who fancy themselves as spiritual, intellectual, financial, and emotionally wealthy their weakness is usually either pride, arrogance, greed, or low self esteem. Each of which are great avenues for the liar, cheater, and/or ignorant to exploit. If they can’t find/exploit these weaknesses they will move on. Guaranteed. So if you continue to attract the same kind of parasites… There’s a problem. And the problem is NOT with the parasites.

But ultimately, I must digress because the true nature of my comment was about romantic relationships and not general human/business interaction. So my comment really only applies directly to romantic relationships and indirectly to the relationships you’ve described.

Hope that helps.

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