Thursday, February 10, 2011

[Im a new Christian] my friend still have blinder's on. what do i do? Do i leave them alone? I love them and i want them to be happy, but they haven't gotten that call yet, and i did. I dont want to watch them no where,feel me? what to do?

First, congratulations!!! And I know... This is a really tough position to be in, but this is the same struggle for just about everyone who gives their life to Christ. Most things and, unfortunately, some people will be/must be left behind. But there are ways to keep loving on the people you care about without falling victim to that old lifestyle.

You have to be very careful and guard your heart during this transition. You are vulnerable right now so the enemy is going to bring the fight to you. To be victorious you must realize and accept that the real fight is not against flesh and blood. Your fight is not against or with people. Your fight is against the powers and spirits that used to rule your life and still rules theirs. The real fight is against the influences they might have on your life and not the person who is under the influence.

Focus your prayers and energy on fighting those influences and not on fighting the person. I know you want to preach to people. I know you want to save them. But you are still a babe in Christ. You're not strong enough yet to fight the powers they are dealing with.

So... Don't get caught up in conversations about what they are or are not doing. All of your conversations should be about what is different in your life now. Talk about how you feel different and how you see life and things differently. If you want to help them your only real option is your best and strongest option is to SHOW THEM. Don't preach to them. Show them.

Let them see the change in you first hand. That's what the Bible means when Jesus said, "lift me up and I'll draw all men unto me." We lift up Jesus by changing our lives to be more like his. Not so much by preaching... but instead by first living a victorious life. When people see that change in you they will be drawn to that change and that light in you.

You don't and won't have to preach it if you are living it sis. People will start to look at you different and treat you different. Some good, some bad. But the ones who really want a better life will ask you and then you can tell them about what Jesus did for you.

In the meantime, you can still hangout with any of your old friends who don't try to drag you down into the mess you just came out of. The best way to figure out who has your best interest at heart is to take control of the interactions. Instead of hooking up at night at a club or any situation that might cause you to slip up, see if your friends will meet you during the day for lunch, or bowling, or at the nail salon. You are a new person, so find new things to do. Inviting friends to church is helpful but rarely effective, until they have seen the change in your life. So fight any influences that might keep you from making that change.

So remember, your battle IS NOT against people. So stay alert and fight influences and NOT people. Fight old influences by finding new things to do with old friends. Live the life of Christ so they can see Christ in you. Preaching the Bible is much less effective than living like Christ. So ultimately the best thing you can do FOR THEM right now is work on your own walk. Get stronger by getting to know the Bible and what it teaches. So that when the time comes, and it will, you can answer the questions for people who will come to you because they can see the positive changes in your life.

Hope that helps sis.

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