Friday, March 19, 2010

How do you feel about couples needing their space from one another? Problem: I have my own hobbies and a job that takes me out of town occas. Had an issue before with my new boyfriend talking/going out w/another woman while gone... How do u get past that?

Well there are two questions here, so I’ll try to take them one at a time…

#1 :: How do you feel about couples needed their space from one another? First, I don’t see unmarried couples in the same context as married couples. Unmarried, I say fight to keep your “space”. Married couples, I say that term should be removed from your vocabulary. Because hopefully you are marrying someone you can be with 24/7/365 for the rest of your life. I know a lot of people won’t agree with that but there’s a reason the divorce rate is so high. I’m not saying give up on all of your hobbies or separate friends, but I am saying to give up on anything that is taking away from or causing challenges in the marriage. The marriage comes first.

#2 :: How do you get past the fact that your new boyfriend that is “talking/going out w/another woman while gone”? Uh, sorry sis… you don’t get PAST that, unless by “get past it” you mean, how do you stop caring about yourself so much that you don’t care if he continues to openly and blatantly disrespect you? To get past it you need to get past him. But there is potentially a second problem here as well. Your job… unfortunately, there are actually jobs out there that are bad for relationships. Certain jobs make it difficult to build and maintain relationships, it’s a sad fact of life and one I’m sure no one wants to hear in this economy. But, you need to figure out if your job is helping or hurting your relationships. I’m not saying to do anything about it, I’m just saying you need to know what role it may play in any future relationships and decide accordingly.

Hope this helps. ; )

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