Friday, March 19, 2010

You've given advice on what it takes to obtain & keep a happy marriage.But lately I've noticed you have been flirting somewhat with the female friends on your page.Is the fame of FB getting the best of you and your ego?

Hmmmm... that's an interesting observation. Shall we assume by lately, you've been following my online work for more than a year or two? I would hope so, because I'd give your assertion a whole lot more credibility if you had... So let's assume you have. And, in that case, your question would imply that I am somehow acting in a way that is unbecoming to my ministry and possibly even detrimental to my marriage... I simply don't see that. But…

But then there's a reason Blind spots are actually called "blind spots"... So I'll go back and read as many of my recent posts to see if I have in some way disrespected myself, my wife, or my ministry. (If anyone reading this post knows of any conversations or comments that I've made online which were untoward in any way, please copy them and paste them back here, anonymously, and I will address them openly and accordingly.)

Now as for "fame of FB"... that is hilarious, I can't even take that part seriously. LOL. But, thanks for caring enough to call me on this.

Ask me anything... Personal, Spiritual, Professional, etc...

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