Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My question,,,,How can you start dating with two young children??? Where would you meet this special person......God gives us what we need and not what we want. I know what I want,,,, but it isn't going well. Do you have an answer????

OK, LOL, you got your money’s worth on this one. Several questions rolled into one. I can't say that I have an 'answer' but I do have some ideas I pray that you find helpful.

Question #1 : How can you start dating with two young children??? I’ve learned that people can figure out how to do anything they have to do or ‘really’ want to do. If you can’t figure out a way to date, you may not be ‘ready’ to date. Dating is not a matter of convenience it’s a matter of decision and determination. The kids could stay with friends or family for a few hours in the evening or on the weekend. You could hire a baby sitter or take advantage of a local church’s Mom’s day/night out program. You could also meet for lunch during the normal work day. People can and will figure out how to do anything they really want to do. The question for you is do you really want to? Are you ready?

Question #2 : Where would you meet this special person? Well, I’d get busy living. I’d get fully engaged in the things I am passionate about. I’d take classes, join clubs, and attend events that were in line with my passions. The person you want will likely have some similar interest and therefore you’ll have a better chance of meeting that person while actively engaged in pursuing that passion. The benefit of this strategy is that if it really is your passion you can focus on the activity and not focus on ‘looking/searching’ for Mr. Right, which could come across as needy.

Get to know you and what you like to do, start living your life like you’ll never ‘find’ him… because you won’t if you’re ‘looking’. The ‘search’ gives off the wrong energy. But learning, laughing, and living all send off the right vibes that lead to loving. What are you passionate about? Cooking, kayaking, working out, photography, the Arts, charity work, Breast cancer awareness,… what? Figure it out and get busy living sis. The man you want is probably out there doing the same. You can’t expect him to come knocking on your door because he doesn’t know where you live… yet. ; ) Hope that helps sis.

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