Monday, March 22, 2010

I spent 1/yr/20 hr/day fighting the bill that converts The Land Of The Free into a socialist Nanny state. What does God want? Why would He allow thw Evil to prevail against us? How do we all pull together as Chistians under Our Supreme Leader?

Your question is actually much less about complex politics, policies, and “evil” than it is about fundamental Christian perspective and purpose. Unfortunately, we tend to lose sight of God’s overall plan for the earth as described in scripture. Further, we seem to ignore the full history and trajectory of God’s chosen people as well as his standard methodologies for dealing with them.

Ultimately, who’s winning and who’s losing at this very moment is a matter of perspective. How do we know evil is “prevailing” if we consider that there is absolutely nothing in scripture that indicates, implies, or promises that evil won’t be “leading” at half-time? Evil may actually still be in the lead and building until our key player reenters the game in the final minutes to secure our victory. In the meantime, there’s no guarantee we won’t be getting out butts kicked for longs stretches at a time. The proper perspective demands that we see the whole game through Gods eyes and in light of his stated plan.

So, as long as Christians are “focused” on temporal issues like Politics there will always be division, disagreement, and strife. The nature of Politics is polarizing; no way around that. But, when an understanding and appreciation of God’s plan is fully embraced our perspective will inevitably shifts from things that are temporal to things that are eternal. Which is more important, the number of votes we can get in the House of Representatives or the number of 8th graders we can introduce to the Lord? I’m just saying… Purpose is tied to Perspective. When we shift from a Political to a Kingdom perspective our purpose also shifts from a Political to a Kingdom purpose.

So the only way for Christians to “pull together” is to learn, embrace, and become more passionate about our “Supreme Leader’s” plans policies as we are about our National leader’s plans policies.

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