Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What advise do you have for a young man looking for a good women?

A couple of things come to mind ::

#1, you must become a “good man”. Relationships that last are ultimately subject to simple equilibrium. Meaning that for a relationship to last and prosper the couple must not be unequally yoked. What does a good woman want with a trifling man? Even if she does get mixed up with him, she will eventually come to her senses and move on. The truth of the matter is this, you can only hope to keep a woman that is as good a woman, as you are a good man. If you are 50% of a good man… you should expect to only be able to keep 50% of a good woman. You get and keep what you are. Your destiny in relationships is that your significant other will ultimately be a reflection of you.

#2, make sure you understand that there is a HUGE difference between a “good woman” and a ‘good wife”. True, a good wife is most definitely a good woman… but not the other way around. There are very good women who are actually terrible wives. So if I were you I’d sit down and write a job description for the wife of your dreams. What would your wife like to do, love to do, want to do, never do, etc…? You need to know what kind of woman would make a good wife for you.

Think of it this way, if I tell you I want a ‘good vehicle’ what do I mean? Am I talking about a bike, a boat, a truck, a tractor, a plane, what? Is a Ford F-150 a ‘good vehicle’? Sure… but it may not be the ‘right’ vehicle for what I want to do. Finding a ‘good woman’ is simply not enough.

#3, Some additional advice about a ‘good woman’ that I am sure it to get me in trouble…
[[Remember ladies this man asked about a ‘good woman’ so I’m only going to speak that issue]]

I’d recommend you strongly consider a woman that has been married before… I’m just saying, man to man. I’ll take the heat because you cared enough to ask and I care enough to tell you what I really think. I recommend a woman that has been married before because her illusion of what a marriage is and what a wife should or should not do has been refined. Most women married for the first time just don’t get it right. Some do… most don’t. Most first time wives really have no clue what it takes to be a ‘good wife’. Many of them are great women… but terrible wives. There are several reasons the first marriage divorce rates are so high, and this is one of them.

Are women completely to blame for the current first time marriage divorce rates, of course not. But I feel your chances of finding a great wife are much better when dealing with women who’ve learned from the problems in a first marriage. It’s amazing to me how much people, both men and women, change in the second marriage. It’s like the first marriage is some kind of test run. Unfortunately, the first spouse deals with all the misconceptions, attitudes, illusions, and marital immaturity while the second spouse reaps all the benefits of lessons learned.

That’s my two cents… let the ear beatings commence.

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