Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A relationship end with this guy by him. It has been 2-3mons since we have talked. He has recently been appearing n my dreams n thoughts regarding his relationship with it GOd or my subconscious with my own motive?.should I contact him

I'm no "dream reader". But if I had to guess from the contents of your comments alone, I'd say you are just looking for reasons to contact him. Believe me the Lord can and will use anyone to reach him if need be. Besides if his relationship with Christ was not resolved while you were "together", it seems a bit odd that it is so important all of a sudden.

Continue to pray His strength in the Lord and pray that the Lord will convict his heart and draw him closer to the cross. You can certainly pray and keep moving at the same time. And that is exactly what I would recommend in this case.

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