Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I don’t think you answered that other question about Homosexual Christian Church. What do you think of the church?

Oh… you know I think you’re right. Maybe I wasn’t very clear… So first, I must confess the term Homosexual Christian Church is new to me so I have to assume you are talking about a Christian Church that is OK/or promotes openly homosexual relationships. If that’s correct, then my answer is fairly straight forward. I don’t think God is pleased with such a church. Particularly if the church is touting its “Christian” belief system. I put “Christian” in quotations because I see a disconnect in the logic behind such a title.

As politically incorrect as it may be in 2010, the Bible is clear on its stance against homosexuality. As it is clear on its stance against all other activities it defines as “sin”. Whether we agree with it or not the Christian faith is built on Biblical principles that define the totality of dogma and doctrine for the faith. It is undeniable that this doctrine calls homosexuality a sin.

I know the arguments about errors, rewrites, and the proposed politics leading to the presumed fallibility of scripture. I understand why some might be uncertain and even more possibly convinced that homosexuality was added as a sin at some later date by some less than Divine authority. I don’t have the theological or academic background to dispute such a claim. However, for me, it seems pretty clear and consistent in its stance against ALL forms of acts identified in scripture as “sexual immorality” including adultery, fornication, bestiality, and homosexuality.

So maybe my perspective is tainted because I’ve never struggled with homosexuality… But I have struggled mightily and lost the battle with fornication (it was only marriage that saved me). “Better to marry than to burn.” So because I had my own insurmountable struggles I just can’t see how to give homosexuals a “free pass” because their form of struggle is different. In my ignorance and acceptance of Biblical authority it is at the very least in the same “category” of sexual immorality.

So I have to ask myself how would I have felt about a “Fornication Christian Church”. I don’t mean a church where that happens, because it’s everywhere even in the pulpit. But I mean, like the definition above, a church “that is OK/or promotes openly promiscuous premarital relationships.” Man that would have worked out great for me… So why should homosexuals get a free pass? What about an Adulterers Christian Church? See I think it only fair that homosexuals get their ear beatings right along with the rest of us. If we are to call ourselves “Christians” there is a cross to bear… No free passes.

So this is where I differ from most of my Christian brethren and that’s in application. I for one don’t have to agree with what you are doing to love you. I don’t “tolerate” homosexuality… I love people. I love alcoholics. Because I can appreciate their daily struggle. I love the adulterous church leadership and the promiscuous youth crowding our pews… I don’t “tolerate” them either. I love the drug addicts, prostitutes, and criminals… No need to “tolerate” anybody because I’m not any better than anyone else. I love my homosexual brothers and sisters, even if I don’t agree/understand their lifestyle. But still sin gets no free passes. I’m proud to ascribe to a higher standard in my own struggles. In my walk, my struggle, I get no free passes. I must die to myself daily to manage, survive, and grow as a Christian. So why shouldn’t all Christians do the same if that’s what the Bible teaches?

But ultimately my methods of sharing the Gospel are different from most. My chosen form of communicating the Gospel is much more “contemplation” than it is “condemnation”. So as it pertains to a Homosexual Christian Church. I think the concept is misguided at best and/or completely denies the redemptive and transformative power of Christ at worst. But would I visit such a church? Sure. Would I pray with my brothers and sisters there? Sure. If they ask me what I really thought of the Homosexual Christian Church… I’d skip up to paragraph 2 above and start over, “As politically incorrect as it may be in 2010, the Bible is clear on its stance against homosexuality. As it is clear on its stance against all other activities it defines as ‘sin’….” I hope that answered the question.

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